Hosiery Rugs

Hosiery Rugs

The Indian Carpet and Rugs Manufacturing Industry

Carpets and rugs are used as decorative flooring items in many houses in India. They add extra elegance to the flooring of the house. The rising construction industry is a major factor that is driving the growth of carpets and rugs in residential and non-residential segments of flooring. Carpets and rugs increase the overall look of a place. It also adds comfort and warmth to a place. They are often used as decorative items as well. Various kinds of rugs with high demand in the market are bedroom rugs, living room rugs, shag rugs, office rugs, wool rugs, braided rugs and other flooring rugs. Carpets made from different fibres such as linen, hemp, jute and blended materials with the help of technologies are the new trend in the market.

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